To assist with community consultation, CYE is establishing CDP Consultative Groups in Aurukun, Coen and Lockhart River in March and April of 2020 to assist with a more coordinated approach to Community Engagement within each of our communities. This will allow CYE and the local groups to work effectively within their respective community and make sure that CDP activities generate positive outcomes, such as to the elderly or youth, LGBTI, increase school attendance, improve local facilities or support local events and festivals.
CDP Consultative Groups will provide CYE staff with advice on:
- Co-design of community and economic development activities to ensure better alignment with local priorities and linkages with cultural activities;
- Identification of local projects that CDP can support;
- Identification of local work experience opportunities;
- Identification of training opportunities to ensure activities are meaningful for CDP participants;
- Community support for proposals under the Capital Investment Fund.
- Identification of emerging and future economic and community development activities.
CDP Consultative Group POWERS
It is important to understand that Community Advisory Boards do not have powers to make binding decisions regarding CDP activities. To maximise community support for CDP activities,it is important to ensure that Community Advisory Boards include a diverse set of representatives from within a community and those on the boards understand their roles, limitations and the capacity of CDP available to them under the guidelines.
CDP Consultative Group ESTABLISHMENT
Appointment to the CDP Consultative Groups will undergo a formal procedure during June of 2020 including:
- Member identification process including providing information to the candidate for their understanding and agreement on Terms of Reference
- Invitation to shortlisted members to apply which will include:
- Agreement to the Terms of Reference
- Agreement to participate including use of CYE 24/7 Engagement App
- Completion of application form, Register of Interests and agreement form
- Formal appointment of members including the CYE 24/7 Engagement App;
An initial CDP Consultative Group meeting that will include a workshop on:
- Overview of the Community Development Program
- Terms of Reference of the CDP Consultative Group
- General governance including roles and responsibilities of members, meeting procedures, meeting actions. limitations and expectations.
- Overview of the role of the CYE 24/7 Engagement App and their involvement
- Commencement of Group operations.
- Proposed Community Representatives
CDP Consultative Group Members
CDP Consultative Group will be made up of up to 10 members to ensure the effective ability to operate.
- Community elders and representation from Clan Groups
- CDP Participants - 1 male and 1 female
- Youth representative/Youth Justice
- Council - Senior staff member or Councillor with Portfolio responsibility for employment and economic development
- Regional Business or large employer
- Community Organisation
- School/Education
- Disability/Health Representative
- LGBTI Representative
To apply to become a member of a CDP Consultative Group in your community please complete the application form HERE.