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Project Highlights
Kenneth Pootchemunka has been actively attending his activity in Aurukun, being one of the first people on site and working back to complete the chair below for his daughter. The use of power tools and hand tools to complete this chair has given Kenneth the confidence to approach one of our local contractors for employment. Kenneth was very proud when he came into the office to inform CYE of this employment opportunity and to tell us that he felt like a proud dad when he saw his daughter's face after he handed her the chair. - 18/03/2021
The guys in Aurukun have been struggling with the elements, the rain has been torrential, the heat has been unbearable and now the grass is 6ft tall, around the community. All of this has led to safety concerns within Aurukun. Families are struggling to maintain yards and snakes (Taipans) are being found around and inside houses that they reside. Cape York Employment has recognised this as an issue and have purchased new lawn mowers and Whipper Snippers to combat the ongoing concerns of the community. Due to the length of the grass, our participants engaged in this activity were constantly being confronted by snakes, so as soon as this was highlighted to us, we swiftly acted on purchasing anti bite snake guards. Some of the more willing and photogenic participants below are modelling them for you all to see. - 18/02/2021
Cape York Employment have subcontracted Dreamtime Solutions to deliver a Horticulture and Healthy Lifestyle Workshop in the remote community of Aurukun. In under two weeks Dreamtime Solutions has been able to lift the engagement of the female activity by having the ladies engaged in creating their own sustainable community garden. Not only is Dreamtime Solutions working on increasing the community’s engagement, they are building and strengthening their rapport with stakeholders in community. Renee Schoder the Director of Dreamtime Solutions has visited the community and been hands on planting out the community gardens with the ladies in Aurukun. The ladies engaged in the program have shown appreciation to Renee in attendance and have stated that they are keen to have a community garden in which they can cook healthy meals from. - 10/02/2021
The ongoing relationship between the Aurukun Shire Council and Cape York Employment is strengthening each day with more pathways to employment for community members than ever before. A prime example of this is 18-year-old Kayoka George from Aurukun. Kayoka completed Year 11 and has been eagerly awaiting training opportunities within Aurukun to upskill herself into full-time employment. She approached both the Aurukun Shire Council and Cape York Employment when the Indigenous VET funding became available for the Food Handling Course at the Chivaree Aged Care Centre. Kayoka expressed an interest in being trained in the safest way to handle, prepare and serve food.
Cape York Employment assisted Kayoka in obtaining the ID required to acquire a Unique Student Identifier, as well as the correct personal protective equipment essential to complete the training. Kayoka benefited from funding available through the Aurukun Shire Council and undertook a three-day course with an accredited trainer to complete this certificate. Congratulations, Kayoka! - 14/01/2021